As a photographer, Korey Howell does a lot of fund-raising for various organizations using her camera. Now, she has trained her lens on Austin Pets Alive! once again and is hosting the 2nd Annual Austin's Favorite Dog Contest to help us raise money to increase the number of pets we can pull from the euthanasia list at our city shelter.
How it works:
Photos will be posted to APA website for voting (only 30 dogs will be chosen).
Every dollar donated will count as a vote.
Get all of your friends and family to vote for your pet!
The dog that raises the most amount of money will be crowned Austin's Favorite Dog, win a prize package valuing over $1000 and be featured in AW Magazine in August.
The pet that raises the most money will be crowned Austin's Favorite Dog and win a $1000 prize package including a photo session with Korey, a canvas print from Canvas Press and gift packages from Petco and other vendors. The winner will also be featured in an ad in the Aug edition of AW magazine.
Even if your dog doesn't win, every dog that raises over $500 will receive a FREE photo session with Korey.
Step 1.
First, use the link below to pay the $50 entry fee.
Deadline for entry is June 30 so you don't have much time!
Remember, only 30 dogs will be selected.
Step 2.
Email Korey Howell the cutest picture of your dog you can find: [email protected]
SPECIAL DIRECTIONS: In the subject line write the "dog's name" nominated by "your name."
Step 3.
Spread the word. The success of this campaign depends on you spreading the word to your friends, family, co-workers, and social network. Call, text, email - post it on Facebook and Twitter. Beg your friends to donate at least $10. Give them sad puppy dog eyes to make them feel guilty about all the homeless dogs. Remind them that voting for one can save many!