Aimee is the Director of Behavior and Training at the Longmont Humane Society and the Executive Director of Training and Behavior for Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation, both of which are open-admission shelters which have over a 95% save rate for dogs.
Aimee will lead the discussion titled "The Last Piece of No-Kill: What to do with Big Adult Dogs." Though Austin has proudly achieved a 91 percent save rate for 2011, there are still large dogs with rehabilitatible behavioral issues that are dying in the shelter. One of APA!'s main goals for 2012 is to find a solution to this problem and to build out our behavior program to allow us to save this last tier of dogs at the shelter. We're thrilled to have Aimee's expertise to lead this discussion as we work toward the last piece of a no-kill Austin.
American Pets Alive No-Kill Seminar 2012
Location: Radisson Hotel & Suites, 111 East Cesar Chavez Street, Austin, TX
Dates of the seminar: Saturday (2/25) 9am-6pm, Sunday (2/26) 9am-6pm, and Monday (2/27) 9am-1pm
Lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday
Hotel accommodations: Attendees can get a room at the Radisson for $119 per night by calling 512-478-9611 or 800-333-3333 and mention the American Pets Alive! Seminar. Or go to and use the promotional code PALIVE.
Details for registration can be found at For any questions regarding the conference, please email [email protected].