This week, APA! rescued a 7 week old kitten, Amber, with sarcoptic mange, mostly common in dogs. This mange causes hair loss and sores and is caused by microscopic mites under the skin. It is treatable, but contagious, so this kitten must go into foster and be isolated from other pets to recover. Will you help us treat Amber so she can be get rid of these mites and be the beautiful kitty we know she is?
Have you considered being a medical foster for our cats like Amber? Medical Fostering may involve force-feeding, administering sub-Q fluids (under the skin), or just periodic monitoring. It may also mean frequent transports to/from the Med Clinic for checkups, prescription refills and just "checking in" with a status update. If you are interested in joining the Medical Foster Team and learning more about what's required, send an email to [email protected].