APA! rescues 23 dogs and 6 cats from Collin County Animal Shelter
Mar 07, 2011
Late last night, car loads of animals from Collin County Animal Shelter arrived at APA! and volunteers had already been at APA! setting up kennels, filling water bowls and generally preparing to house some extra pets at our shelter. It was an impressive showing and is just another why APA! manages to be so amazing, the volunteers! Not only did we give another chance at a happy life to the pets we pulled from their shelter, we also made room for other pets at the Collin shelter to have some more time to find a home.
Here are a few photos a volunteer snapped during the arrival. (Thanks Shorey!)
Here's Buck- happy to be at APA!
How many water bowls do we need?
Kitty number 6
Floyd getting some love from his new friend
Temporary crates for the dogs that are staying at our shelter to go out to site during the day (see the new fancy kennels we are in the process of building in the background!)