Update 3/4/10: The subcommittee passed the no kill plan and it's going to the full Council this Thursday, March 11th for a vote. We still need people to join the Coalition, send letters to Council, and come to Thursday's meeting.
We need your help this week. Next Monday, March 1st, is the City Council subcommittee meeting to discuss the implementation plan to make Austin a no kill city.
We have launched the Austin No Kill Coalition. The Coalition is a collective, grass roots, community voice with the shared goal of a no kill Austin.
We are trying to get 1,000 individuals and 200 businesses to join the Coalition this week. We'll be giving a list of Coalition members to the Council subcommittee at the March 1st meeting. We hope you will join us.
In addition, we need you to send letters to City Council voicing your support of a no kill Austin. We hope you will also let them know that you support the AAC Plan and APA's Proposal. (But even if you don't, we want you to join the Coalition and let Council know how much you support Austin's homeless pets.)
We've made it really easy for you. Just go to the Coalition's website where you will find simple instructions and the links you will need.
Finally, we hope you will join us at two important meetings:
Wednesday, 6:00pm for a special AAC/City Staff meeting to finalize the plan they will be presenting on March 1st at the Waller Creek Center at 10th Street in between I-35 and Red River
Monday, March 1st, 10am for the subcommittee meeting about the plan at City Hall