Bae isn’t a typical puppy we see here at the Austin Pets Alive! Parvo Ward. She is a 50 lb German Shepherd. She was found as a stray by a nice family that loved her, had a nice backyard, and somehow contacted the deadly Parvovirus. In order for Bae to get better, her family had to surrender her to Austin Pets Alive!. Sad? Definitely! But her story is not an uncommon one. We don’t judge the owners though. We just want to help these sick puppies leave here healthy and off to have a long and happy life. And Bae is such a sweet puppy, but she is also scared. Wouldn’t you be? Gone from a loving home, to a loud medical ward where people keep poking her with needles, and forcing pills and liquids. A typical puppy (not weighing 50 lbs) will cost an average of $250 for their treatment. However, since Bae is 50 lbs, this cost increases. Won’t you consider donating to help this sweet, scared puppy leave here to have a long and happy life? Every puppy has a story. Every puppy deserves a chance.