Yesterday morning Town Lake Animal Center contacted us about a cat, Honey Biscuit, that had been hit by a car and needed medical attention right away. The cat foster team scrambled to find a foster for her and get her an appointment to be seen at APA's medical clinic, and luckily a wonderful long-time foster came forward and was willing to help this sweet girl out. A volunteer transported the kitty to our medical clinic, where she was examined and found that she has two major problems - the first being that her eye has swollen to about 2-3X normal. This intraocular swelling causes blindness in the eye very quickly, and the best option is to remove the eye surgically (enucleation). The second problem is a broken bottom jaw, which will also need surgery to place a stabilizing wire around both sides of the jaw horizontally so that the break can heal. The medical staff scheduled her surgery for yesterday, put her on lots of good pain medicine and antibiotics, and the foster took her home.
When the foster took her out of her kennel she wasn't sure what to expect from this poor kitty, who was probably very uncomfortable, frightened, partially blinded and very confused. Amazingly enough, the first thing she did when she got out of her kennel was start purring and "making biscuits" with her paws! Hence her new (and rather adorable) name Honey Biscuit! This girl has had a very rough time the past few days, but is still sweet as can be.
Honey Biscuit is at the clinic now awaiting her two surgeries (they will probably both be done today if all goes as planned). The combined cost of these two surgeries, plus antibiotics and pain medications will be about $350. Any donation for Honey Biscuit will be greatly appreciated!
As always, donating toward the needs of one pet will enable us to keep helping more pets with conditions like Honey Biscuit. Please give whatever you can so that our life-saving work may continue without pause. Visit Honey Biscuit's ChipIn to donate.
You can also see other pets in need of funding and past pets we've helped because of your generous donations HERE.