With a slow start to kitten season this year, we were wondering if we'd ever see any babies... well, THEY'RE HERE!!
We have welcomed over 80 babies (and a few nursing moms) into the nursery in just the last few weeks, and we are in need of some supplies.
Wilbur, featured in this video, was placed with a nursing mom. Even though a momma cat can provide essential vitamins and nourishment for babies, they often need supplemental bottle feeding, especially if they have been away from their own mom for several days. Orphans that we cannot integrate with nursing moms rely SOLELY on kitten formula. For this, we use Kitten Milk Replacer (PetAg KMR brand) powdered formula. This brand can be found at Petco and Tomlinson's.
Our sweet kitten, Jubilee, in the photo above, would love for you to donate some canned kitten food, specifically the Nutro MaxCat Canned Kittenbrand. This food can be found at PetCo and PetSmart and often is discounted with petclub member cards.
Donations can be dropped off at the APA Resource Center, 2807 Manchaca Rd. at S. Lamar. You can even peek through our Nursery window to see a few of the babies we're caring for, and if you want to name a kitten, donate $20! You will receive a photo of the baby you name!
As always, if you want to volunteer in the Nursery or foster and of our kittens, we'd love to have you join the team! Follow the babies on their very own Facebook page, or donate cash to the kittens.