Morlock is certainly a one of a kind dog. At first glance Morlock appears to be just another, (adorable!) poodle looking for his forever home. He is a happy and super friendly little guy that just loves life. Being a poodle mix makes him very adoptable however........
on further exam we found that poor Morlock has multiple, serious, heart defects. The first defect that was recognized was a 5/6 heart murmur. Because of the severity of the murmur an ultrasound was performed and it turns out the heart murmur is caused by pulmonic stenosis, a congenital narrowing of the flow between the heart and pulmonic valve. This condition occurs in humans as well and is normally diagnosed at birth and surgically corrected shorty after.
Morlock's second and more rare condition is a diaphragmatic hernia, meaning there is an opening in the diaphragm which is allowing portions of the liver and intestine in his chest cavity. A diaphragmatic hernia can be caused by trauma as well as occur congenitally and in Morlock's case we believe it is congenital, along with the pulmonic stenosis.
Alone, both of these defects are very serious and, left untreated, are fatal. Together, these are issues are compounded and can only be handled by the best. APA needs Morlock to be evaluated by the cardiac specialists at Texas A&M and discuss what can be done to help save him.
Can you help Morlock get to the specialists needed to help save him?