Thank you for bringing Nakia to meet us this morning. We're so excited to have the opportunity to give another senior cat a forever home and look forward to her getting healthier and plumper by the day. She's settled in remarkably well. We were going to give her some alone time to get acclimated, but she immediately made her way to a bedroom, braving our dogs (including our 80+ pound puppy) who sniffed her curiously but backed off when she growled and swiped at them. She briefly sat on her princess pillow but she's busy making the rounds - exploring the house, looking out the windows, and eating out of her cat brother and sisters' bowls. For now, she's growling at the other cats. Our 19-year old is deaf so he has no idea she's growling at him and the two girls have left for other parts of the house. But I'm confident they'll get along fine in a few days, even if that means just staying out of each others way. ;)
Nakia (who we've renamed Lola) is already asking for head rubs and eating lots of cat treats. We owe it to you for being such an awesome foster mom and nursing her back to health.