In the beginning Nia was saved by two people w/ BIG hearts. After seeing her hit by a car they ran to her in the road. Cars passed as she lay huddled alive but injured. She was bleeding from her eye and was having trouble breathing. The couple drove her to the nearest animal hospital 45 minutes away and saved her life.
She had nerve damage. Nia couldn’t walk. Nor did she have any bladder control.
Nia then was placed with an APA! foster couple. Karia and Dan cared for and dedicated themselves to Nia for about 6 months. Karia has continued to guide and answer any questions that have come up.
My name is Cyndi and l came into Nia‘s life about four months ago. l was not really looking at getting another pet but one day l was out with my best friend and we happened to be at a store near Petsmart where an APA! site was showing some foster pets. l, being an animal lover, had to stop meet and greet foster pets and volunteers. They told me of a special needs pup Nia.
After visiting with several others without sensing a connection, l met Nia. She was a special needs foster but we connected and l loved her from the moment we met. After I met her l could not get her of my mind or out of my heart.
So two months later she was still in recovery and l felt up for the challenge. Now after renaming her Zoey which means “life” l am so thankful for her previous fosters. The rescuing couple Amy and Steven were so thoughtful and the name Nia will always be special to me.
As of July 12th of 2009 Zoey has a new home with me. Our first day and night consisted of lying around and play’n when the mood struck. l began right away massaging her muscles as she lay next to me and also work on standing on her hind legs that are weak.
Before Zoey l had never changed a diaper but l learned quickly. Our routine is developing and she understands l have to go to work then return home to her. She seems to tire easily so when she’s had enough she naps.
l have been researching treats as well. High protein and low fiber works best for her and l have found one company that does make these types of treats. She loves them and earns them during play time. Zoey sleeps cuddled next to me all night. She has also learned to leave her diaper on if she want to sleep w/ me. Her night massages usually put me to sleep.
We go bye-bye sometimes in the evening to visit her new friend Sassy who is also a rescue. Zoey loves the ride in my truck insisting she ride on the seat w/ paws on the arm rest.
On July 26 Zoey jumped onto my bed unassisted for the first time. This simple task gives us much hope in her recovery.
l want to personally thank the couples and veterinarians that have played a part in saving this sweet girl. Zoey and l take one day at a time now and hope one day of having some normalcy but she’s loved just the same. Even with all the challenges she has an endearing personality that is addictive to the heart. No matter the hurdles, our love, l am confident, will overcome.