Cafe is one of the most beloved dogs at APA! Everyone knows him to be one step behind Faith Wright, APA’s Animal Care Program Director and Cafe’s saving grace. He is a 2 year old American Bulldog mix who came to APA after a sad and emotional past. It is his transformation and tender heart that wins over every single person he meets.
Cafe was raised as a backyard dog, chained up in the yard with his aggressive father dog and brother dog. It is evident that Cafe experienced a brutal upbringing. There are old scars around his neck that could be canine or human inflicted. The trio would often break out of the yard and cause grave trouble around the neighborhood, so they were eventually surrendered to Austin Animal Center.
When Cafe came to APA, he was shut down and clearly scared. His traumatic past clearly took a great toll on him. In order to decrease Cafe’s stress and fear levels, Faith kept him in her office instead of a kennel and APA’s veterinarian prescribed anti-anxiety medication. The combination of medicine and Faith’s love worked wonders for him!
Given an environment of peace and love as Faith has done, Cafe is finally able to show his true colors. His heart and soul were smothered in the intense and aggressive environment of his former home. He is now a calm and sensitive doggie. He is best friends with dogs like Joey, a tiny Chihuahua, and this gentle giant participates in the small dog playgroups instead of the big dog playgroups. He has the time of his life thinking he is the same size!
(Best buds, Cafe and Joey, together and eyeing something interesting.)