Join us for a pub quiz benefiting APA!. Geeks Who Drink hosts a pub quiz every Monday at 8pm at Scholz Garten, and on November 12th the quiz proceeds will go to Austin Pets Alive!. There is a $5 entry donation per person to participate in the quiz. At the end of the night, the winning team earns $200, with the rest of the money going straight to Austin Pets Alive!.
What is a pub quiz, you ask? It's a quiz game played in a pub, with over 70 multimedia questions (they start out easy and get harder as the night goes on). Teams can have up to six members.
To add a little APA! flavor to the evening, we're having a Cats vs. Dogs showdown to see who comes out on top. APA! staff and volunteers (and hopefully you, too!) will have a friendly competition to see which side can raise the most money (and earn the most trivia points) by the end of the night.