Austin Pets Alive! is a participating nonprofit with GoodSearch and GoodShop. These programs are so easy to use, are completely free, and could help raise a lot of money to help APA! save even more pets. If you search using GoodSearch and have Austin Pets Alive! as your chosen nonprofit, we will get a penny donation for every search. If you shop with the 700 online retailers in the GoodShop program and go through the GoodShop page, we will get a donation with your purchase.
On Cyber Monday, thoughout the holiday season, and all year, please go through the GoodShop page when shopping online to help us raise funds.
Are you an iTunes user? Click on the iTunes button on the GoodShop page after you've chosen APA! as your charity, and we will get a donation automatically every time you buy something on iTunes.
On the GoodSearch page, there is a link that will set up GoodSearch in the toolbar of your browser to make searching even easier.
Finally, this page has lots of great ways for spreading the word about GoodSearch and GoodShop.
There is a link on the right of this blog to GoodSearch/GoodShop so you can always easily get to this application.