"Tiny is doing well. He is such an easy foster, even through heartworm treatment, as he loves to lounge. He loves dinner time and would have seconds if he could. He looks longingly when he spots the neighborhood dogs out for a walk and will bark some with a wagging tail...almost to tell them he is feeling better and will be able to play soon!
He doesn't make much noise, though gets squeaky and friskier when I get home to let him out of his crate. He's potty trained and sheds very little (!). My mom has a dog who could be his twin and he sheds a ton...not Tiny so much. He's lost a ton of weight and seems to feel so much better...wanting to jump off the porch and explore in the yard. We keep that to a bare minimum though. He will love being adopted by someone who takes him on daily leisurely walks and lets him lounge in the a/c or with a cool breeze."