Dory's biopsy results have come back and the mass under her neck has been found to be thyroid cancer.
While Dory's prognosis is guarded APA is moving forward with surgical removal of the mass. The location of this mass makes surgical removal key to her living with some comfort on her last years. A mass so close to the trachea is dangerous and not intervening would surely cause Dory unnecessary pain and suffering.
Dory and dogs like her are the face of No Kill. Being part of a No Kill city doesn't just mean we are no longer euthanizing needlessly but it also means providing a good quality of life to the animals that are most in need. APA makes a commitment to these animals and strives to provide them with the best quality of life possible.
Donating to Dory and sponsoring her surgery is an action that YOU can take to make sure Austin remains the largest No Kill city on the nation.