What Really Constitutes A Medical Emergency For My Pet?
Oct 17, 2016
We asked our friend Dr. Audrey Wystrach of ZippiVet, what really constitutes a medical emergency for our pets. In her blog, 'High Risk Or A Hairball? What's A Pet Emergency' she answered our questions and offered advice for being prepared for future emergencies.
High Risk Or A Hairball? What's A Pet Emergency
What is Considered an Emergency for Dogs and Cats?
The following conditions warrant an immediate visit. Exercise caution when handling injured pets.
bite wounds, lacerations, punctures
hit by car
blunt object trauma
Bleeding from the eyes, nose, or mouth, or blood present in urine or feces.
Signs of extreme pain, such as whining, shaking, hiding, panting, and circling.
You suspect broken bones.
Your pet collapses or is unable to stand
Your pet has had or is having a seizure
Disorientation, bumping into things
Eye injuries or sudden blindness
Loss of consciousness
Breathing difficulties or hacking and gagging
Vomiting or diarrhea that persists more than 12 hours
Swollen and distended abdomen, with vomiting and/or retching
Straining to urinate or unable to urinate (particularly in male animals)
More than three to four hours between delivering puppies or kittens
Toxin ingestion
rat poison
any kind of medication that wasn’t prescribed for your pet
Your pet’s illness doesn’t observe normal business hours so be prepared for an emergency at any time. Your first step is to call your veterinarian. Keep your veterinarian’s name and number as a “favorite” on your mobile phone and in an easily accessible area of your home. If you and your pet are in an unfamiliar city, use a hospital locator tool to find a vet hospital near you.
About Dr. Wystrach
Dr. Wystrach grew up on a working cattle ranch with her five siblings in southern Arizona. She has spent nineteen years in companion animal private practice and two years in corporate veterinary practice. As the Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Zippivet, Dr. Wystrach is committed to client education, premium customer service and excellent veterinary care. As a working mother of three she understands the challenges of a busy life and strives to bring convenience and affordability to veterinary medicine.