Willful Wonka Wants to Walk Again! - FUND COMPLETE! THANK YOU!
Jan 06, 2016
Meet Wonka! Wonka is just a baby at 3 months old and has suffered two broken legs! She has one broken back leg, one broken front leg and some abrasions on her face and ears.
We are not sure what happened to poor little Wonka but we do know that two broken legs is not good. Wonka's front leg does not need surgery, it will be in a splint for at least 6 weeks but her back leg does need surgery to heal. The leg is broken above the knee near the hip. and right now she has no function of it.
Donations will go directly to Wonka's surgery fund. Providing this kitten with the ability to recover from this terrible injury will give Wonka a much better quality of life than she would have without surgery.