Austin Pets Alive! | NO KILL AUSTIN IS IN JEOPARDY: Action Needed


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Sep 15, 2021

Keep Austin No Kill Safe in Austin: City Council must act now!

Thank you for following APA!’s story up until now. And now we urgently need your help. Our bold vision for the future of animal welfare is in immediate jeopardy because we haven’t reached an agreement with our partners at the City of Austin for our 75 year formal public-private partnership that keeps Austin No Kill. After four years of negotiations time will run out for changes in October, and the city council must now act to ensure Austin’s No Kill status.

If not, APA! will be forced to move out of our home and the City of Austin will have NO agreement in place to keep Austin No Kill.

Please Speak Out:

  1. Call and email your council member today and ask them to sponsor and support the APA! resolution to keep Austin No Kill. To find the Council District you live in, please click here, and send an email or call to your Council office right away. To email all Council Members, please click on the form here.
  2. Join our APA! action team and plan more communication to council with us. Your voice matters, and we need it now more than ever…we will help you to speak up.
  3. Learn more about our bold vision for the future. It is far more likely we will achieve lasting progress if we keep Austin Pets Alive! in Austin. This new agreement is a critical first step.

Austin is a No Kill community because of your support and work during the past decade. We will ensure No Kill but rely on the council to direct the city manager to finalize a new and more equitable service agreement with APA!. The council must take action in October before the negotiations formally end, so we haven’t a moment to spare!


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