Austin Pets Alive! | Medical Funds

Medical Fund

Need 1

Project Overview

Medical expenses have drastically increased, and we need $300,000 more to just provide supplies for incoming urgent needs between now and the end of this year.

• We take in dogs and cats every day that have been hit by cars
• We have 5 fractures a week
• We operate like an emergency room for all surrounding shelters

Injured and ill animals are the first to be euthanized in most shelters, but those same ailments in a home would be treated at a vet hospital. Our Medical Triage and Wellness Clinic serves as an emergency room, wellness hospital, and spay/neuter clinic all in one, and performs over 7,000 surgeries every year.

The cost of walking through the doors begins at $300, and the expenses rise considerably from there. But that’s what we are here for. Every pet who comes through APA!’s door comes into our medical clinic — where each receives whatever medical care they need to live, and thrive, for however long it takes, at whatever cost. That is the lifesaving promise we make to the cats and dogs at APA!.