A Guest Post by Coleen Ellis of The Pet Loss Center
September 11th. Just saying that date brings a flood of emotion to everyone who walks the soil of this great country. Fifteen years later, many can still remember exactly what they were doing during every minute our nation was rocked that day.
For every September 11th since then, it’s a day of remembering. A day that makes us all want to hold those we love even closer. A day we remember those who tragically and senselessly lost their lives.
Every year, the second Sunday of September is set aside for another day of remembering, National Pet Memorial Day. So on this September 11th, 2016, we also set aside this day to pay tribute to those precious pets who have been a part of our journey called “life.” Those furry creatures who have been present in a chapter in our lives.
Today, on this day of remembrance and tribute, let’s honor how precious and short life is. How priceless and fulfilling love is.
Today, let’s take some time to remember not only what happened in our world, but who has been a part of YOUR world. Those beautiful creatures who might have been the one you turned to for comfort on this day, fifteen years ago. The one who licked your tears during this or any other hardship. And certainly the one who brought you a heart full of love.
Let’s remember them today and all lessons we’ve learned from them. Lessons of unconditional love. Lessons of forgiveness. Lessons of living in the now and being present in the moment.
Lessons of slowing down and just living. Smelling the flowers. Reveling in the sunlight or a splash through a mud puddle. Lessons of just “being” instead of “doing.”
Today let’s remember and focus on what’s good. For if we remember and act on those amazing lessons from our beloved pets, we’ll surely do our part in making the world a better place, a more loving place for all.
The Pet Loss Center provides a safe place to mourn, memorialize, and honor the life and love you shared with a loved pet.