Everybody wants one. The adorable dog with the enormous smile and floppy pink tongue. The impressively buff physique. The smarts. The loyalty. The wiggly, happy love and effortless sense of fun. But where do you find one? Pittie isn't even a breed, people. If the experts can't find this elusive, highly coveted lovebug of a dog, how will you ever get to take one home?
Never fear! We are here today to let you behind the velvet rope of pittie adoption. We happen to know of three amazing places you can always find a pittie smile waiting to come home with you!
Austin's own resident pittie experts have tons of adorable Adopt-A-Bulls just waiting to go home with you! They also have education and training resources for the already adopted pittie love of your life!
You can take home your very own pooch like the infamous, the incredible, the lovely Coco Puffin pictured above, proudly sporting her Love-A-Bull swag!
TLAC has an excellent supply of sweet pittie faces with lots of heart! Plus, adopting from the city shelter is a great way to help Austin maintain it's No-Kill momentum! You get a best friend and you get to be a superhero by helping save lives!
Speaking of superheroes, TLAC boy Junior, the smiling face in the photo, definitely qualifies as one. He is good with cats, kids, other dogs, and has one of the all time best personalities and cutest faces the author has ever seen. He is perfect. Honestly perfect. He'd probably make friends with a turtle. And yet, he has been part of TLAC's adoption program longer than any other dog there - over 235 days! Sure, he's kickin' it in foster, but he'd rather be in a forever kinda home!
Were you waiting for us to state the obvious? Us too! It's hard not to brag when you've got the kind of top notch pittie faces smiling up at you that we've got! We are lucky to know each and every amazing pittie in our program and we'd love to introduce you!
Hannah, the beauty in the photo, is an excellent running buddy and one of our Fresh Start dogs! In fact, so is Sal, the studmuffin you may have noticed in the opening photo! Our Fresh Start Program is a great place to find your very own pittie to take home!
The cat's out of the bag now, Austin. Do some clickin' on the links above, email [email protected] for more info, or just head out to visit the adoptables and see which pittie face will be the one that goes home with you!