Maggie and the gang are still going strong after night 4. And foster mommy and daddy actually got some sleep last night. Maggie is getting into the swing of things after being on the lactation diet for a few days and has been nursing a ton. And the pups are loving it! Last night they all got a sudden burst of energy about an hour after dinner and gave us a taste of what life will be like in a few weeks. They can't be more than 2 weeks old, but they were barking, growling, and playing like a litter of 6 week olds. Unfortunately for us, they're pooping like they're 6 weeks old, too, so the washer has been getting a workout. We continue to make sure that Runt gets QT with mommy and all she can eat every few hours and she continues to thrive.
Grace went on a trial adoption last night, which we're hopeful will be her forever home. Early reports are that her and the cat are getting along, so things look good. Fingers crossed for Grace b/c this is a great home. Now that (sometimes) moody Grace is out of the house, Maggie can have the occasional break from her puppies and hang out with us in the rest of the house. We're sure she'll enjoy hanging with the bipeds b/c she's been nothing but loving and welcoming to the various puppy peekers who've suddenly become our friends over the past few days. We're off to clip puppy nails, no really, we're going to do it this time.