Calling all future bottle baby nursery volunteers!
We have a list of updated May training dates below, so if you're interested in training to be a feeder in the nursery, please email [email protected] with your first/last name, phone number, and which training date/time you would like to attend. The trainings are very small groups, so please be sure to RSVP!
Want to help the kittens but can't foster or volunteer in the nursery? We also need KMR brand kitten milk replacement to help keep our kittens full. Donations can be dropped off at our 2807 Manchaca location.
The cats and kittens of Austin thank you!
May Bottle Baby Feeding Training Schedule
Tuesdays: May 8, May 15, May 29 - 4pm to 6pm
Thursdays: May 3, May 10, May 24 - 6pm to 8pm
Fridays: May 4, May 11, May 18, May 25 - 7pm to 9pm
Saturdays: May 12, May 19 - 2pm to 4pm
Sundays: May 13, May 20 - 2pm to 4pm
Note: All of our trainings are held in the nursery at the APA! building located at 2807 Manchaca Road. Please keep in mind that children under the age of 13 are not allowed to volunteer in the nursery and they must be at least 16 years old to feed with a trained adult.