"It's hard to believe that it has been one year since I took in Mr. Z, a sweet pup who had been set on fire in his own backyard. He suffered 3rd degree burns on 1/3 of his body and had to have eye surgery. It is the saddest case of cruelty many of us have ever come across. We considered using tension release cutting to see if it would help his back leg (constricted with massive amounts of scar tissue) to come down so that he didn't have to walk on only three legs, but decided against it. He had been through so much already.
Mr. Z is now called "The Comeback Kidd (AKA "Kidd") and he is about the friendliest pup you'll ever meet. We considered naming him the "Ambassador", as he goes up and greets everyone with a smile and wagging tale.
There has been an exciting new development in the last couple of weeks: his back leg that was so constricted by scar tissue has healed to the point that he is now able to walk (somewhat awkwardly) on all fours! Who would have thought that with the severity of the burns this amazing recovery would have occurred. Kidd still runs on three legs, but walks and climbs with all four - now he can jump into my car without assistance (as well as other things he probably shouldn't be getting into!) Pretty cool. I wanted to thank everyone at APA, as well as the wonderful people who donated to Mr. Z's medical bills. He brings such joy to me and my sister's family!"